Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Installing Sun Java on Lucid Lynx

First I had to install python-software-properties to be able to run add-apt-repository:

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties

Then I add the repo that has Sun's jdk:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb lucid partner"
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jdk

Then, if there are multiple jdk alternatives on the system, choose which one you want with:

sudo update-alternatives --config java

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Large-scale Storage/Computation at Google

Stu Hood pointed me to an interesting keynote today done by Jeffrey Dean, a Fellow at Google. It's part of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing. In it, he talks about the current large scale storage and computation infrastructure used at Google. It starts off kind of slow but picks up (for me) after he talks a bit about MapReduce.

The presentation with slides is available here (silverlight required)

Some interesting bits to me:
  • He talked about several patterns for distributed systems that they have found useful.
  • Google currently MapReduces through about an exabyte of data per month
  • Interesting example of how they use MapReduce - to return the relevant map tiles in Google Maps for a given query
  • He pointed out that they have Service Clusters of BigTable so that each group doesn't have to maintain their own - this relates to what Stu and I are doing at Rackspace - creating multi-tenant Hadoop and Cassandra clusters for similar reasons
  • They use ranged distribution of keys for BigTable, saying that consistent hashing is good in some ways, but they wanted to be able to have locality of key sequences.
  • He talked about something I've been looking at recently - how to do custom multi-datacenter replication by table (or for Cassandra by keyspace).

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Presentation on Cassandra+Hadoop

Last night I gave a presentation at the Austin Hadoop User Group about Cassandra + Hadoop. It was a great group of people in this relatively new user group here, probably around 20-30 people were there.

My slides are available in keynote form on slideshare - linked here:

Steve Watt from IBM's BigSheets and Emerging Technologies team pointed out that Cassandra has an edge over the native Hadoop technologies in that you can query output in Cassandra immediately. Using just Hadoop, especially HDFS for the output, you have to export the MapReduce output to another system if you want to do any kind of reporting. That can be a significant extra step.

Stu Hood also pointed out that even though it is possible to run MapReduce over data in Cassandra, HDFS and HBase are built to stream large chunks of data. So Cassandra will be slower from that perspective at this point. Work can be done to optimize that though. I think no matter what, you're choosing your data store for a variety of reasons - if your data fits better in Cassandra, now you have an option of running MapReduce directly over it. I think that's a significant advance.

Lots of thanks to Stu Hood as well as Jeff Hammerbacher (on #hadoop IRC) for help on some of the details.

With this done with, it's back to doing what I can to help with Cassandra dev and looking forward to the Hadoop Summit at the end of the month.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Facebook and Privacy

I recently decided to deactivate my Facebook account. I did that based on several reports of Facebook disregarding the privacy of users in order to further monetize their platform. To be sure, they have a fantastic platform and I've liked being able to connect with people I haven't seen in a long time. However, hosting user data comes with the responsibility of keeping the trust of the user. To me, for now they've broken that trust. Anyway, I just thought I would post what I sent to Facebook when I deactivated my account:
According to several reports lately from the EFF, Wired, and several online publications, Facebook has consistently changed privacy terms out from underneath users. Part of the reason that I felt safe on Facebook and not in other networks was that I trusted Facebook to some extent. Based on these new changes and the seeming disregard for its users, I would rather not support Facebook any longer. Thank you for the remarkable service, but right now I don't feel that Facebook is trustworthy. They seem like they will do anything in order to further monetize the network/platform, including compromise the trust of its users. It's an unfortunately short-sighted gamble and I hope you will reconsider.


Friday, March 26, 2010


As I've started getting up to speed at my new job at Rackspace down here in Texas, I've come into a new world called NoSQL. NoSQL is a term that Eric Evans re-coined relatively recently and he's since clarified that to mean Not only SQL. It's a term that kind of describes a set of distributed databases that have some similar properties.

Some of the suspects include Google's BigTable, Hadoop's HBase, Amazon's Dynamo, Apache's Cassandra, CouchDB, MongoDB, Voldemort, and others.

It seems to be based on the notion that if you have really, really, really large data sets, you run into some boundaries with the limits that a relational database imposes with ACID properties, transactions, and the unattainable triforce of Consistency, Availability, and Partition-tolerance (from the CAP Theorem). Jonathan Ellis blogged about deciding whether you should consider a NoSQL solution here.

So I've started drinking from a firehose of sources to try to understand more about them. We've been looking heavily into pieces of the Hadoop project for its distributed filesystem and Map/Reduce implementation (not exactly NoSQL but siblings to HBase), as well as the Cassandra project because of how it brings together useful features of BigTable and Dynamo and allows for completely horizontal scaling - no single point of failure.

More about the subject: - a blog about scalable web architectures, often talking about big data and NoSQL - a blog called myNoSQL that deals with all things NoSQL

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

list comprehensions in python

One of my favorite features of python is a functional language feature that python itself borrowed - list comprehensions.

I just think it is wonderfully elegant if a language can do something like this:

Example 1:

lines = ['now is the time\r\n']
lines.append(' for all good men ')
lines.append(' to come to the aid of their country\n')

# Does not modify list, returns a new list
lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]

print lines

>>>['now is the time', 'for all good men', 'to come to the aid of their country']

Example 2:

lines = ['<act> is the next act']
lines.append('performing at our show')
lines.append('please give <act> a big round of applause')

print [line.replace('<act>', 'Go Dog Go') for line in lines]
print [line.replace('<act>', 'The Beatles') for line in lines]

>>>['Go Dog Go is the next act', 'performing at our show', 'please give Go Dog Go a big round of applause']

>>>['The Beatles is the next act', 'performing at our show', 'please give The Beatles a big round of applause']

You can do simple operations like strip and replace or even an in place lambda on every element of a list and return that list... all in one line.

I love Python and its functional cousin languages.

hibernate console in intellij idea 9

I was pleasantly surprised to find better hibernate support in intellij idea 9, which was recently released.

They had hibernate support in 8.x, including a console, where you could run queries against your data using the mappings you had configured. However in version 9, they added the ability to use named parameters with associated values. So in essence, you can paste in a hql query and it autodetects the named parameters, e.g. :username. That pops up on the right pane as a named paraemeter. You just double click that, set its value, and you can run the query.

intellij has had support for this in their jdbc console in the past, but it's very handy now with the hibernate console. It removes one step from having to debug queries - you no longer have to use just the sql output that hibernate outputs and then piece queries back together and then try to guess where the disconnect was :).

See intellij feature request:

Related to hibernate console, don't forget to have the ehcache.jar in your module's classpath if you want to use the hibernate console. You can find the jar in the basic core download of hibernate - in the lib/optional/ehcache directory of the bundle. The console requires the secondary cache and will give you odd secondary cache errors if you don't have it in the path.

See this about loading ehcache: